Becoming a Member
Pay as you Fly
Full flying membership costs £450 per year and is charged annually. There are discounts for young people and those in full time education.
You will then pay for each flight that you take, aerotows typically cost about £40 (based on a launch to 2,000 feet) and winch launches cost £8.00. When flying in club gliders you will also pay an airtime fee which contributes towards the running costs of the glider (insurance, maintenance etc).
We are a volunteer run club, including our instructors and tug pilots, this helps us to keep the costs of flying comparatively low; however, it means that members are generally expected to help out around the airfield.
As well as learning to fly, you will also be trained on a ground skills syllabus which teaches you how to carry out each of the important jobs on the airfield, such as launching gliders, packing/unpacking the hanger and driving the various ground vehicles. This training takes place informally during the normal club flying day, experienced members will show you the ropes and get you up to speed before you know it.
If you are considering becoming a member, why not visit the club on a Saturday or Sunday and have a chat to some of the members, alternatively, contact us on Facebook, Instagram, or via the contact form below.